5 Tips for Boosting your Mobile Marketing Platform

5 Tips-Boosting-Mobile-Marketing-PlatformConsumers are using their mobile devices as their preferred platform for reviewing products and making purchases. If you are a bit behind in your mobile strategy, there has never been a better time to focus on this area of your marketing and ensure that your brand is positioned to be noticed by your target consumer base.

1. First, make sure you are utilizing the correct keywords. This may sound a bit old school, but proper keyword usage is just as important to mobile marketing as it is tocontent marketing. The primary difference is that when tweaking your mobile marketing platform, you need to make sure you utilize the correct keywords along with business-specific keywords. Remember that when your customers are searching on their mobile devices, they are likely searching locally, so be sure to include your locale in your keyword optimization. Additionally, keep in mind that due to the small size of the keywords, most users are only going to type in three keywords at the most. Try Google’smobile-only keyword tool in AdWords. While the goal is often to land in the top ten searches on a desktop search, with mobile your goal should be to land in the top three, since users do not want to scroll.

5 Tips for Boosting your Mobile Marketing Platform


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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