3 Storytelling Tools To Enhance Your Social Media Marketing Efforts

Social media storytelling toolsWho doesn’t love hearing a juicy story? Whether sitting around a crackling campfire, listening to a horror story, or even just a phone call with a friend venting to you about that bad date last week. We all love listening to a great story, one that both captivates and holds us speechless for a moment in time.

Since the first cave drawings were discovered, over 27,000 years ago, telling stories has been one of the most important means of communication. Human beings are natural storytellers, it’s intrinsic to our genes. Everything from religion, to science, to love needs a story for people to find it believable. It only makes sense to marry the elements of storytelling and social media marketing—leveraging one of the most basic aspects of human nature. For social media and content marketers, “when you present your content in new, engaging and interactive ways, it stands out in a constant stream of competing information.

The question then is, what storytelling tools are out there that you can use to enhance your social media marketing? Here are a few of my personal faves:

3 Storytelling Tools To Enhance Your Social Media Marketing Efforts


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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