Many of the small businesses have this delusion that the marketing automation tools are made for big fishes only. However, there are some tools; you might not know about, that present you with the opportunity to grow your small business and customer base while reducing costs increasing and productivity. Here are some surprising stats on how marketing automation tools help small businesses achieve desired results:
- According to research by The Annuitas Group, businesses that use marketing automation to nurture prospects experience a 451% increase in qualified leads.
- Research by Aberdeen Group, concluded that companies that adopt marketing automation see53% higher conversion rates.
- According to Nucleus Research (an ROI business case analyst firm), marketing automation drives a 14.5% increase in sales productivity.
- 63% of companies that are surpassing their competition use integrated marketing automation.
- Gartner estimates a 15% savings on creative production when businesses use a marketing automation system.
However, just these stats should not be the reason for opting a marketing automation tool, asmarketing automation is not just all about pushing messages out. It is more in-depth process that begins with looking at your business and work on almost all strings of sales and marketing to give you an ease of work…