Dave Eggers’ dystopian novel The Circle explores the world of the not-too-distant future when a powerful Internet company starts to infiltrate every facet of daily life. The description of the company, also called The Circle, borrows from Google and Facebook in its details, but it supersedes both in its unbridled power and push toward transparency in all things.
In Ellen Ullman’s review of the book in The New York Times, she writes: “The company demands transparency in all things; two of its many slogans are SECRETS ARE LIES and PRIVACY IS THEFT. Anonymity is banished; everyone’s past is revealed; everyone’s present may be broadcast live in video and sound. Nothing recorded will ever be erased. The Circle’s goal is to have all aspects of human existence — from voting to love affairs — flow through its portal, the sole such portal in the world.”…
Social Media Marketing in a Dystopian Novel: Dave Eggers’ “The Circle”