Mobile Use, Attention Spans And How To Reach The Next Generation Of Social Customers

The average human attention span is reducing. That’s no big surprise – researchers have been talking about it for years, using the inevitable comparison to a goldfish as the benchmark. But how much have our attention spans actually declined? And, importantly, what does that mean for how we optimize our marketing and advertising messages for best effect?

In a new post on Facebook’s marketing blog, Reynold D’Silva, the group head of FMCG, tech, telco and media brands at Facebook, explores the notion of reduced attention spans, noting that researchers from the Statistic Brain Research Institute have found that the average human attention span has dropped by 33% since the year 2000 and is now at just 8.25 seconds (note: goldfish have an attention span of 9 seconds). The decline’s largely attributed to increased mobile phone use, a finding which is supported by other research from Microsoft and various other academic organizations, with some even suggesting that the mere presence of a mobile phone reduces our ability to focus on the task at hand…

Mobile Use, Attention Spans And How To Reach The Next Generation Of Social Customers



Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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