How Has Facebook Changed for Business Through the Years and What Have We Learned?

Facebook is such a big part of market branding nowadays, it’s hard to think back on a time without it. Today, it’s not that you’re just missing out on a form of free or cheap marketing if your business doesn’t have a Facebook page, but, even worse your brand will be considered irrelevant without one. As instrumental as they are today, Facebook brand pages only came about 8 years ago (in 2007).

Let’s take a look back at how Facebook has changed for small business, and what that’s meant for marketing.

Brand Pages

When Pages was born in 2007, businesses and celebrities alike could finally create separate pages dedicated to their products. The main intention of pages was to, originally, allow users to build social relationships with a brand. Just as users could speak to their friends via comments and like pictures, they could now do the same with the larger-than-life brands they knew and loved. This new ability made users feel closer to the businesses they supported…

How Has Facebook Changed for Business Through the Years and What Have We Learned?


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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