#160: Are You Making These 5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes?

You’re smart. You never believed the people who said “there’s no money in Social Media”. You thought the people who said Social was all about “pictures of what people had for lunch” or “videos about cats” were missing the point. Yes, those things are popular on Social Media… and it’s also true that Social Media is a vital marketing medium that can bring big rewards, monetary and otherwise when done right. Just ask Taylor Swift, Oreo, the folks behind the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, or even President Barack Obama.

5 Social MEdiamistakes-Just knowing Social Media Marketing is important, however, is not enough. You must know how to do it right – or at least how to not do it wrong. Today’s episode will address what I consider to be the 5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes you are most likely making right now… and how to fix them…

#160: Are You Making These 5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes?


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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