Welcome Back, Movember: Why This Viral Campaign Is Still So Successful

It’s about to get a whole lot fuzzier in the office. That is, assuming your coworkers are among the more than one million people expected to participate in Movember this month.

Movember, a blend of the words “mustache” and “November,” is an annual movement in which people ditch their razors for a month and grow mustaches to raise funds for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and other men’s health issues. It started as a small fundraiser in 1999 and has grown into a global tradition, spearheaded by the Movember Foundation, which has raised more than $559 million to fund 832 men’s health programs in 21 countries.

Fast moving cause-marketing campaigns like Movember and the recent Ice Bucket Challengemay seem to erupt out of nowhere and become viral through luck alone, but there are patterns behind every successful movement. Using data from TalkWalker, a social analytics platform, we examined the social chatter around Movember to see what early lessons we can glean from the spread of this phenomenon.

Welcome Back, Movember: Why This Viral Campaign Is Still So Successful


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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