The Power of Gratitude in Marketing

photo credit: pixphoto credit: pixabayabayt’s guest post day here at Duct Tape Marketing, and today’s guest post is from Nicole Kohler – Enjoy!

Saying “thank you” is probably automatic for you at this point. But what if expressing your gratitude could grow your social media following, boost your website conversions, or even attract new customers and leads?As a business owner, you probably say the phrase “thank you” multiple times a day without thinking about it. You thank your employees for their hard work, your customers or clients for working with you, or potential leads for getting in touch with you.

A few months ago, I noticed that when I thanked people for sharing the content I’d written on Twitter, they seemed more likely to follow me than if I’d simply favorited their tweet. After doing an in-depth study of this trend, based on my last 50 tweets of gratitude, I discovered that around 26% of the people that I thanked for sharing my content followed me, just because I said “thank you.”

The Power of Gratitude in Marketing


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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