The Marketing Tools That Can Help Fuel Business Growth

It’s no secret that growth is the key to business success. Without growth, profits remain flat, which is why we’ve seen so much interest in the process of ‘growth hacking’among startups of all kinds over the past few years. But when it comes down to it, growth happens through marketing, and the best marketing happens when you use the best tools.

Here are 11 of the marketing tools you’ll want to take into consideration when it comes to fueling your business growth:


These days, plenty of marketers talk a big game about big data, but few of them actually use the information they have to make meaningful decisions about their businesses. Maptive gives you an easy way to mine your data by allowing you to upload a spreadsheet of addresses and see them laid out on a custom map. Use this free tool to determine where your products are selling best, uncover the best spots for an upcoming marketing tour or answer any other question you have about the geography of your data.

The Marketing Tools That Can Help Fuel Business Growth


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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