One of the hardest phases in the life of a successful social network is monetization. It’s kind of like the pupa stage of a butterfly: there’s a lot of crazy effort going on to make sure things come out beautifully, and no one really knows if it worked until the very end. Pinterest, however, seems to be getting through that particular transition with relative ease, as evidenced by their announcement that they had recently broken 60 million buyable pins.
What’s remarkable, and a testament to the skillful management of the new project, is that, according to George Slefoin Advertising Age, the effort on buyable pins only began in June. (Pinterest only began real monetization efforts early this year.) Another sign of success is not only the wide variety of retailers and companies with buyable pins, but also how big some of the names are. The list includes Bloomingdale’s, Wayfair, DVF, Steven Alan, and more…
Pinterest Ups Monetization Efforts, Breaks 60 Million Buyable Pins