Influencer Marketing Just Hit the Big Time

Influencer Marketing Just Hit the Big TimeBrands’ ability to directly message to customers and prospective customers continues to diminish and/or become more expensive due to audience attention fragmentation.

As a consequence, companies are making three key changes to their marketing approach:

1. Change the Target
Adoption of marketing technology to makes it financially and operationally viable to message in a hyper-targeted, 1-to-1 fashion, eschewing reach for relevance.

2. Change the Message
Creation and propagation of helpful content (Youtility) that cloaks marketing in usefulness, making it easier to break through the messaging clutter.

3. Change the Messenger
Using content created by influencers to reach new audiences and boost trust.

The first two categories are already at a fever pitch, with more than 2,000 marketing tech companies and content marketing becoming a major initiative for most brands. But now the third category – Influencer Marketing – is accelerating in importance and investment…

Influencer Marketing Just Hit the Big Time


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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