How to Use Psychology to Build Social Media Campaigns That Resonate

Your social media campaigns should be about connecting with followers – not peddling your wares. Image by Tom Fishburne.

Social media isn’t only about getting likes, repins and retweets – it’s about building meaningful, long-term relationships with your audience.

A few years ago, Ben McAllister and Kate Canales gave a talk at SXSW in which they suggested that all human relationships can be classified into three broad categories:

  1. Authority relationships: Relationships where one individual has clear power over the other. One gives instructions; the other fulfills them. Think employer-employee.
  2. Exchange relationships: Relationships where there is an equal give and take. These relationships are sustained only as long as both parties continue to offer incentives to remain together. Ever reward a user for a “like” on Facebook? That’s a classic exchange relationship.
  3. Communal relationships: Relationships where there is a deep bond of mutual trust between both parties. The relationship does not depend on bribes or incentives to survive; it is propelled along by deep-rooted goodwill and shared common ground. This is the type of relationship we share with our closest friends.

How to Use Psychology to Build Social Media Campaigns That Resonate


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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