Does Social Media Marketing Really Matter?

Isn’t that the question in the back of your mind? “Does Social Media Marketing really matter to my business?”

I think at some point most people ask that question. In fact, just yesterday I got an email from someone that’s kicking around that very idea.

A few days ago Andrew discovered a functionality problem on my site and let me know about it (for which I’m grateful). I told him I would look into the problem and get back to him. Then I asked him what his biggest Social Media Marketing struggles are.

I ask that question a lot. Some of the most common responses I get back are:

  • Convincing our leadership that Social Media is important


  • Finding the time to do Social Media

But man, Andrew went right to the root …

“I find it hard to be convinced that reads, likes, shares, etc. really matter that much to my eventual bottom line.”

Sound familiar? Maybe someone in your firm thinks the same thing. Maybe you do. Andrew went on:

“the more and longer I do this … the less I’m convinced that the extraordinary amount of time social media takes to do well actually ever pays off.”

He wanted me to convince him that Social Media Marketing really mattered. I’m glad Andrew threw that challenge out there; not because I want the opportunity to convert a doubter into a disciple but because it caused me to pause and step down off the bandwagon for a minute and admit that Social Media Marketing may not matter.

Despite what you may hear in some circles, Social Media is not a magic bullet. Many people treat Social Media as an isolated marketing technique, effectively putting it in a vacuum. That approach is misguided and ultimately inefficient if not ineffective.

Does Social Media Marketing Really Matter?


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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