Developing an Effective Influencer Marketing Strategy for Your Brand

Influencer marketing, especially featuring sports influencers, is gaining more and more attention. In a global study by Augure late last year, 70% of the companies surveyed said they expect to maintain or increase their spending on influencer campaigns, while only 3% expected to reduce it (the remainder weren’t sure).

It’s easy to see why. It can be inexpensive, sharply focused and creative – a great way to cut through the clutter of market messages bombarding consumers every day.

And it’s effective. Marketing-inspired word-of-mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising, and these customers have a 37% higher retention rate, according to the consulting firm McKinsey & Co.

Then why do so many influencer campaigns fail?

For starters, there are a dizzying array of options among influencers, marketing channels and other options

Developing an Effective Influencer Marketing Strategy for Your Brand


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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