25 Strategies I learned at Social Media Marketing World 2015

25 Strategies from #SMMW15Social Media Exam­iner is the largest online social media mag­a­zine. At their event — Social Media Mar­ket­ing World (#SMMW15) — they promised that we would “rub shoul­ders with the biggest names and brands in social media, soak up count­less tips and new strate­gies and enjoy exten­sive net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in San Diego, California.”

Founder and CEO Michael Stelzner deliv­ered and then some! With his able team of hun­dreds and the spec­tac­u­lar venue the Grand Hyatt, Team #SMMW15 gave us an unfor­get­table, stel­lar event shar­ing amaz­ing con­tent that we can all imme­di­ately imple­ment. Oh, and there was a ton of fun too.

But… let’s dive into what I learned and can’t wait to share so that you can be on the lead­ing edge of what’s hap­pen­ing with social media marketing…

25 Strategies I learned at Social Media Marketing World 2015


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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