3 Key Components to Building Social Media Campaigns That Drive Results

As another year closes in our digital marketing world, it’s time to look towards the future. Whether your year was overflowing with social media success or smattered with missteps, 2015 feels like a fresh start for everyone.

Even though social media is no longer the infant it once was, it’s still not fully matured. Looking towards 2015, Jennifer Polk, Gartner analyst, said that brands would spend less time investing in new platforms and more time exploring within those platforms. Social media is more like a teenager now. It’s just starting to test its limits.

You need to be prepared to handle this teenager and everything it will throw your way to ensure success in your social media campaigns. When you build a strong foundation with strategy and execute efficiently, you’re going to drive your desired results. There are 3 key components to driving outstanding results for social media campaigns:

  1. Set Social & Content Strategies
  2. Efficiently Execute Social & Content
  3. Measure Results

Wondering why content strategy and execution is included in a guide to building social media campaigns? Social media campaigns cannot exist without excellent content. Period. “Garbage in, garbage out,” as they say. This is one of our core beliefs at Stryde. If you create subpar content, your audience will clearly see this and treat it as such. Create great content and you’re on your way to a successful social media campaign.

3 Key Components to Building Social Media Campaigns That Drive Results


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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