14 Must-Do Social Media Tips For Authors

quick tips1. Each platform is different.
Facebook is a great relationship and website-hits builder. Twitter reaches new readers quickly. Instagram and Pinterest are good for brand building. Google+ is important for SEO.

2. Use tools such as TweetDeck.com and Bufferapp.com.
They will save time.

3. Different Facebook posts work in different ways:

Pictures are good for engagement & shares, not always for click thrus.
Link posts are better for generating hits on your sites.
Updates are good for questions and feedback.

4. Make your headlines work hard.
Headlines that ask questions get answered in the comments. Headlines that tease get clicks.

5. Tag people you talk about in your posts.
It helps people to discover your posts.

6. Enhance your pics.
If you are in any way visually inclined you can use Picmonkey.com or Canva.com to make them even more interesting.

14 Must-Do Social Media Tips For Authors


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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