11 Unusual Social Media Tips to Drive Branding, Clicks and Conversions

Effective social-media marketing helps build successful businesses. Arecent study by Shareaholic, which tracked 300,000 websites over four months, suggested that social-media referrals now lead to 30 percent of websites’ overall traffic.

If your business website falls below this benchmark, you may want to consider if your social-media strategy is working. Then again, if your site receives more visits from social media than that rate, you might still want to know what more can you do.

Here are a few strategies to boost social-media marketing to positively impact business growth and sales:

Related: Don’t Just Have Social-Media Conversations, Design Them

1. Create custom-formatted tweets. Most tweets can become lost in live feeds that seem to stream on with no end, but custom formatting tweets is sure to catch a reader’s attention. Line breaks or a unique font color add welcome change to the monotony of short-form messaging. To have a tweet from your business stand out even more, include arefreshing emoji or a fun symbol, which you can copy and paste from services such as iEmoji.com.

11 Unusual Social Media Tips to Drive Branding, Clicks and Conversions


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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