4 Ways to Spice Up Your Real Estate Marketing

The average attention span of an adult shrank from 12 seconds to 8 seconds over the past decade, according to research conducted by the Statistic Brain Research Institute.

Q: What does this mean for your social media marketing?

A: You now have to capture your readers’ attention at the earliest stage of the readers’ journey with your real estate brand. If you don’t, you may never connect with them.

The question isn’t whether you need readers to quickly engage with your marketing collateral, but how. How can your marketing content be liked and shared by people across the Internet and social media? What can you do to make your collateral stand out and be noticed?

Here are four tried-and-tested ways to quickly engage readers by spicing up your marketing collateral…

4 Ways to Spice Up Your Real Estate Marketing


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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