Why Your Sales Team Should Be Marketing’s Most Important Client

Being a salesperson isn’t easy. Despite having access to technology, sales reps still lack the necessary information to successfully engage, convert, and upsell their prospects and customers.

Moreover, 42% of sales reps say they don’t have the information they need when they make a call, according to a recent CSO Insights study. For example, in 2007, it took an average of 3.68 cold call attempts to reach a prospect, states Telenet/Ovation Sales group research. Today, it takes eight attempts. This change is not just a problem for Sales; it’s a concern that should be shared by colleagues over in Marketing.

Laura Ramos of Forrester, in a recent webinar, explained that there has been a fundamental shift in the role of the B2B CMO:

Why Your Sales Team Should Be Marketing’s Most Important Client


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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