Why Email Marketing Needs Web Push To Reach Your Entire Audience

why web push notifications won't change your email marketingWhat if I said we’ve been blowing smoke when we talked about email marketing on this blog?

We’ve devoted a fair amount of space talking about email marketing—many thousands and thousands of words, in fact.

First, we’ve convinced you that a substantial effort has to go toward building the number of emails on your list. Then, we’ve told you about the best ways to get people to sign up, and how to get people to open your email.

But what if email was on the road to inevitable failure? What if there was something coming that would make it obsolete?

Think of all the effort you’ve put into your email list. It’s terrifying to consider that it might be the marketing version of the VHS tape, but perhaps that is inevitable thanks to Web push.

Why Email Marketing Needs Web Push To Reach Your Entire Audience


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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