Time To Exercise The Right Brain In Marketing

In a world inundated with messaging and branding, we need to look beyond the numbers and tools and focus on how to connect with people. Columnist Claudine Bianchi explains.

brain-knowledge-graph2-ss-1920This morning, I opened my email and was once again bombarded with more than 300 messages. And yes, I’m using a spam filter! Occasionally — okay, rarely — a subject line will grab my attention, and I’ll open the email. If the content is compelling, I might actually read it.

I appreciate that email is far from “dead,” but it’s not working the way it used to. I’m on some list in someone’s marketing automation system, and I’m doomed to continue to receive these messages unless I unsubscribe — and for some reason, I won’t for basic FOMO (fear of missing out)…

Time To Exercise The Right Brain In Marketing


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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