This Marketing Executive’s Big Push to Humanize Marketing

Bryan Kramer serves as a sort of Zen master to digital marketers. While marketers comb through social analytics, Google GOOGL -1.35% analytics and the other daily jetsam of marketing campaigns, only to discard the analysis when a new metric turns up, Kramer’s companyPure Matter exudes a composed calm, adjusting its campaigns only when the data allow.

Perhaps Kramer’s composure also rests in his belief that companies need to start acting more human. After all he reasons, companies are full of them. Despite events seen by some corporate marketers as potential liabilities, such as when a customer complains on social media, Kramer believes the best method to communicate with customers are through “Human to Human” (H2H) communications and not business speak…

This Marketing Executive’s Big Push to Humanize Marketing


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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