The Merging of Social Media and Gaming

Not too long ago, social media and the video game industry remained largely separate, and well able to attract and satisfy customers without collaboration. However, the line between those two popular industries seems to be getting more blurred by the day.

Let’s look at how we got to this point, and how social media and gaming might rely on each other even more in the future.

The First Meeting of Social Media and Gaming Happened by Accident

There are many conscious efforts made by marketing departments to create the conditions needed for successful cross-promotion. The early minglings of social media and video games  may have been partially intentional, but the massive user response couldn’t have been predicted. Everything started with interactive browser-based Facebook games like Zynga Poker, Mafia Wars and of course, FarmVille.

Social media executives were searching for ways to keep users logged in and engaged. Encouraging that to happen with games seemed like a good solution. What happened next was fueled by the players themselves.

Competitive streaks came to the forefront. Game developers and social media representatives quickly discovered how players not only loved to play against one another, but also liked the bragging rights that came with getting high scores or passing a particularly tough level.

The Merging of Social Media and Gaming


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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