The Lord of the Content: Fellowship of the Reader

Lord of the ContentHave you ever been so caught up in your writing that you sometimes resemble Smeagol, clutching your content to your chest and whispering, “My Precious”?

We all have fights with insanity sometimes.

However, one thing that separates the good writers from the great writers is that they are not too attached to the content they create.

I know you’re probably scratching your head after you read the above sentence, but what I mean to say is the great writers are always evolving.

They are willing to change pieces of their content in order to be able to write better for the reader. They sacrifice long-form sentences and dangling participles in order to craft the best article this side of Middle Earth.

They have captured the true essence of fellowship with their readers and have been worthy of being crowned Lord of the Content in their market.

You may be asking, how does one build up to that?

I’m glad you asked.

The Lord of the Content: Fellowship of the Reader


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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