How to Optimize Your PPC Landing Pages to Reduce Bounce Rate

reduce-ppc-bounce-rateBounce rate can be indicator of how engaging your landing page is to the person who sees it. If your landing page is just a huge block of text, you are likely to have a high bounce rate on that page. It is important to analyze bounce rate within the context of the content that is on the page and the action you want the user to take when they arrive. If the goal is just to inform the user, a higher bounce rate may not be a big deal.

However, for PPC campaigns, the desired action on the page is usually not just a view, but a specific action; either a form submission or a call.

Here are some of the tips and best practices to prevent a visitor from bouncing off your site and instead, drive them to take action after clicking your ad…

How to Optimize Your PPC Landing Pages to Reduce Bounce Rate


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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