Google Names Two Highest Ranking Factors Besides RankBrain

googlenamesranksignalsrankbrainMost of Google’s rank algorithm is shrouded in mystery. We have to take them at their word when they say social media isn’t a ranking factor (not directly, at least), and guess where factors that used to matter (like keywords) stand. Rarely do they come straight out and tell us what the more than 200 ranking signals are and where they stand in the hierarchy.

Last year, Google announced that RankBrain, their artificial intelligence system, was one of the top three ranking signals.

Yesterday, during a Q&A session Andrey Lipattsev, a Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google, named the two other top signals in response to a question by Ammon Johns…

Google Names Two Highest Ranking Factors Besides RankBrain


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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