Saying that marketing on social media doesn’t work because you’re not seeing a return on your investment is like saying that the treadmill you faithfully use as a coat rack isn’t working because you haven’t lost any weight. If you’re not making money on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, odds are that you’re not using them correctly. Social media ROI is not a myth!
Think about these sites: Globally, Facebook is the second largest website. YouTube is the third largest. Poor little Twitter isonly the eighth largest global website, which might make you think that it isn’t worth your time. That’s sort of like thinking that Christian Bale is a failure because he’s only the eighth highest paid actor in Hollywood.
These are not only large sites, but also they all offer robust targeting options to reach your desired audience, using optimizations on the platform and media buys. Saying that you don’t see any returns on social media means that something isn’t right and changes need to be made.