Email Marketing: Helpful Resources & Mistakes to Avoid

Email marketing success depends on execution, building your list properly, and providing content that your subscribers will find valuable. Building a loyal list of subscribers could take years and keeping them engaged takes skill.  Let’s take a look at five mistakes that could not only kill your email campaign, but also do long-term damage to your list.

1. Ineffective balance of content and photos. Large blocks of text do not grab and hold the attention of readers. They appear to be too much work, and people scan for keywords, or only pay attention the bold text. People could miss the message because the content is unbalanced. Even so, emails with too many images raise red flags. People associate an abundance of images with spam. It is important to strike the right content balance, using text and images in their most effective proportions.

2. Failing to clean email lists. Pay attention to your email marketing analytics. Don’t send emails to people who don’t want to receive them. Some people are too lazy to unsubscribe, but you can see from your reports that they haven’t opened any emails from you in months. It’s safe to say those people are not interested. Remove them from your list and focus on people who want to receive your emails.

3. Being boring. Change things up a bit. Keep your emails exciting. Test out new designs and find ways to keep the attention of your readers. Don’t send emails just to get an email out. Always have a purpose and make sure your content is not going to be a waste of time.

Email Marketing: Helpful Resources & Mistakes to Avoid


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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