Email Copywriting–What’s Working Now

Had some free time on my hands recently.

As a lark, I entered an email copywriting contest. Looked like a challenge.

I won. Below’s the email.

The market? Web designers.

The product? A white-label SEO metrics dashboard.

Entries were judged based upon number of clickthroughs that resulted in sign-ups.

I thought you’d be curious about what’s working now.

PS: If you want to know why this email works, check this out:


Subject: Web designers, how to crush your competitors

How do you compete in this hyper-competitive, cutthroat environment?


Add more value than your competitors.

Differentiate yourself; Stand out from the crowd.

But how?

Give yourself a significant competitive advantage by giving your Clients
the SEO metrics they need to compete (and WIN) online.

When you do? You’ll be a hero.

The majority of web designers in the market are concerned with website
aesthetics, functionality and navigation. And rightly so.

They’re critical to a website’s success.

But–they do little to give their Clients the tools and information they
need to make the right decisions.

That’s where you can come in. That’s where we come in. It’ll be what makes
you different.

It’ll make you shine.

Give your Clients access to SEO ranking and analytic data using a dashboard
customized and branded to you, and you’ll be showing you care about the
things that matter.

Not only that, you’ll be perceived as larger than life.

It’ll give you a decided, if not unfair advantage over the competition.

It’ll show you care about not just looks, but about results. The steak, as
well as the sizzle you put into the website.

Whether you charge for this additional service is up to you. But just know
web designers are adding a sizable ‘bump’ to their bottom line each
month–one that they didn’t have to work for.

As well position themselves as leaders.

It’s up to you. But if want to set yourself apart AND increase cashflow at
the same time, you owe to yourself to check this out now while it’s F ree
to sign-up.

PS: Did you know having a feature-filled SEO dashboard branded to you has
incredible perceived value to your Clients?

It’s true.

>> Sign-up for F ree here


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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