Conversion Rate Optimization: 22 Ways to Increase Site Speed, Performance and Security to Improve Customer Trust

LNYEQYRA6GNearly every single effort on the part of an online business owner is a step toward increasing or optimizing their conversion rate. After all, you can be buying ads across the internet and pulling in hoards of traffic, but if none of those people convert –– all of that money is wasted.

Beyond site design and opening up a transparent and convenient line of communication with customers –– all of which we covered in our previous post –– there are additional, more site performance-related issues that could be negatively affecting how many of your site visitors turn into actual customers. These include SEO, site speed and security –– all of which help users find your store and use it without getting frustrated about long load times, as well as encourages them to finalize the sales based on their level of trust for your business…

Conversion Rate Optimization: 22 Ways to Increase Site Speed, Performance and Security to Improve Customer Trust


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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