Content marketing in the real world: the role of product marketing

DisconnectedA content marketing strategy requires the involvement of product marketing. There is still quite some work to do in this area, even if in a customer-centric content marketing approach it is key.

Product marketing and sales both play an important role in a connected and integrated content marketing reality.

A while back, SiriusDecisions’ Erin Step wrote a blog post ‘Five Tips for Solving the Content Conundrum’. In the blog post Erin makes very valid points about content marketing, emphasizing some of the content marketing realities we see in real life from an organizational viewpoint, including product marketing. I decided to elaborate on some of them as they deserve more attention and wanted to add to them so in this blog let’s take a look at the role of product marketing.

Product marketing and content marketing: the internal issues

Erin confirms a very valid point that is overlooked in an often very one-dimensional ‘content marketing’ view. She writes ‘product marketing must redefine its role as content creator‘. The reason: ‘in too many organizations, product marketers view themselves as experts at writing about products’. Erin advises product marketing to adopt a different mindset and have a more persona-based and audience-centric instead of product-centric content.

As such, this is good advice and it’s indeed essential to rethink the role of product marketing from an integrated perspective where content marketing has a clear place. However, in reality product marketing often is not able to have this more persona-based approach, let alone a real-time personalized content viewpoint.

Content marketing in the real world: the role of product marketing


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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