7 SEO Copywriting Myths That Will Not Die

Is your company operating on old SEO writing information? Are you sure? Don’t write another word until you read this post.

You know what makes my blood run cold?

Outdated and incorrect SEO copywriting tactics.

Like a virus, these bad tactics get passed around from person to person. The end result: companies are infected with bad information and do things the wrong way.

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For instance, one company I worked with had an old “SEO copywriting 101″ PowerPoint that talked about keyphrase density and blasting press releases to thousands of sites. Another based their entire SEO strategy on bad information from an SEO vendor.

Ouch. That’s scary stuff.

Here are seven of the most common SEO copywriting myths I still hear about:

Keyphrase density

Will. People. Please. Let. This. Die. Just when I think the world is safe from keyphrase density percentages is when I get an email saying, “I was watching a corporate training video and the recommendation was 3.2 %. Is that still right?”

No. It’s never been right. Ignore keyphrase density. Wipe it from your mind. Let it go. Don’t you feel much better now?

Keyphrases are dead

No, keyphrases are not dead. They are still alive, kicking, and doing well. This tasty tidbit of misinformation stems from Google being much “smarter” than it used to be. Yes, Google can understand the intent of a page. But that doesn’t mean your content should be keyphrase-free. In fact, basic optimization techniques can often propel low-ranking pages to top positions.

It’s true that in today’s world, you can worry less about about exact matching the keyphrase and repeating it X times. However, you’ll still want to use keyphrases (and synonyms) in your content. Continue to research your keyphrases and use them in your body copy and your Title. Just like always. You’ll be fine.

7 SEO Copywriting Myths That Will Not Die


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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