4 Suggestions To Help You Produce Better Website Content

Looking for ways to improve the content you publish? Below are four things you should do to produce better website content.

Craft An Amazing Title

Most marketers and writers know that an amazing title is important, but we are just now realizing how important it really is. After all, mega-viral site Upworthy found that traffic can vary as much as 500 percent, based on what type of headline is used, according toHeidi Cohen. A title not only tells the reader what to expect by clicking on the link, but it should also grab their interest in a way that makes it irresistible to share.

This is especially the case now that we live in a time where blind retweeting is common. This is when a user on Twitter  shares a link to a post without reading it. The practice is common on other social networks too. According to data compiled by Dan Zarrella at Hubspot, over 16 percent of tweets generate more retweets than click-throughs.

This means that many people will blindly share content solely based on the post title or the user who shared the content.

4 Suggestions To Help You Produce Better Website Content


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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