4 Reasons Marketing Agencies Need Call Tracking

What is your marketing agency’s number one selling point? Is it your cutting edge methods? Your versatility? Your creative skills? Or is it your brand’s personality that sets you apart from other agencies?

There’s one thing that your clients won’t overlook: delivering great results.

The best agencies stand out because not only do they deliver results, but because they’re able to shout about it by quantifying the client’s return on investment.

Long ago, it may have been difficult to lead your clients through the minefield of digital marketing spend; particularly when the telephone plays an integral part in the conversion process.

But that was long ago. Now, call tracking software can give agencies as much insight into phone calls as online forms and mouse-clicks. This means you can tell exactly what marketing channels both online and offline are making the phones ring, and focus on the marketing that works best.

Mediahawk’s marketing agencies guide to call tracking says marketing attribution as the most important aspect that helps agencies to retain more clients. Here are four reasons why call tracking is an absolute must for marketing and digital agencies.

4 Reasons Marketing Agencies Need Call Tracking


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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