3 Conversion Tactics for Your Online Ads

kaboompics-biznology-111Online advertising is a wide-sweeping, effective way to get your products, services, and brand in front of the eyes of hundreds of millions of people all over the world. When structuring the copy for your online advertising, you need to be captivating, concise, and clear. Read on to understand more about how to give your ad copy some strong doses of these conversion-raising components of advertising.


Captivating viewers just means using words in your ads that draw people’s attention and pique their interest. Words like “free,” “instantly,” and “you” are effective at increasing click-through and conversion rates. Use captivating language towards the beginning of the ad, since it’s the first few words that will encourage the viewer to keep reading.

However, having captivating words isn’t the most important aspect of increasing conversions. It’s just the beginning. Many ad creators fail to realize this, and that’s why they may see their click-through rates jump up, but not their conversion rates…

3 Conversion Tactics for Your Online Ads 


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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