12 free email marketing templates for small businesses

We love email marketing here at Econsultancy. It may not be the hippest, sexiest method of driving traffic to your business but by gosh it works.

However if it’s the early days of your company you may assume that email marketing is something you might do further down the line, once you’ve grown bigger than a fold up desk in your basement.

It doesn’t help that social media channels provide immediate gratification and with only a little determination can achieve growth with relative ease and speed. Plus social media channels are hip and sexy.

Therefore it’s very easy to let email marketing fall by the wayside. However according to Radicatithere are three times more email accounts then there are Facebook and Twitter accounts combined.

According to Campaign Monitor open rates for email marketing is generally 20% – 30%. Your marketing message is five times more likely to be seen by email than on Facebook.

Clickthrough rates from email are around 3%, while clickthrough rates on tweets are roughly 0.5%. Therefore you’re six times more likely to get a clickthrough from email than you are from Twitter.

12 free email marketing templates for small businesses


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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