Why Ad-Techs Needs to Put Their Content Marketing Hats On

shutterstock-147422858Content marketing needs to be a part of every brand’s strategy going forward – it’s the way of the future.

When are ads not ads? That’s the question the content marketing industry is focused on, and one that the broader ad-tech space would do well to ask as well.

Traditional advertising is a fairly straightforward affair. The viewer knows an ad when he/she sees one, and accepts it in return for free content. But in an age where technology is making it easier to avoid ads — from DVR fast-forwarding to Web pop-up blockers — that traditional model begs refinement.

Enter “content marketing,” which is the practice of creating brand-specific content that’s paid for and placed like an ad, but to the viewer can come off instead as news or entertainment or any other piece of content that is seen less as a form of interruption and more as a welcome addition…

Why Ad-Techs Needs to Put Their Content Marketing Hats On


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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