How to Win the SEO and Content Marketing Arms Race

seoarmsraceContent marketing and SEO have infiltrated every industry. Discussions, how-tos, and podcasts about the topic are everywhere.

Most of these articles are reactive though, and as a geeky futurist, I enjoy looking ahead to see what’s going to happen next and how we can change our strategies now for better results.

I recently went on a rant about the future of SEO to a friend of mine, and I thought I would combine it all into a post so that marketing newbies and industry veterans can consider what lies ahead for the industry. Take a look, and let me know what changes you think will impact the future of SEO and content marketing.

Take a breathe. “Not provided” is the best thing to happen to content on the Internet since the GIF.

Seriously, as marketers we should be focusing on making great things for people, not ways of cheating the search engines for top placements. By building semantic content based on conversational search terms, not only will your content teams be happier when producing that content, but your users will certainly be far more likely to actually engage with it. Everybody wins!

Instead of getting hung up on keywords alone, look at what content and topics are engaging (high time on page, low bounce rate, high of volume shares, etc.), analyze correlating landing pages, and segment out the entry points.

How to Win the SEO and Content Marketing Arms Race


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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