How To Stay Relevant When Your Email Subscribers Are Always On The Move

As more people than ever are traveling or moving to new locales, how do you ensure your emails are relevant, no matter where your subscribers happen to be? Columnist Andrew King has some tips.


email-world-targeting-ss-1920It’s common knowledge these days that emails you send could be opened anywhere and at any time. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of stats about the percentage of email opens on mobile devices — in general it’s over 50% for most companies and sometimes much higher.

What’s not discussed as often is how mobile devices and general global mobility are making many of your emails irrelevant. For example, I would bet that your last highly targeted email campaign assumed that your subscribers were in the location that they inputted into your preference center…

How To Stay Relevant When Your Email Subscribers Are Always On The Move


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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