How to Come Up With Effective Marketing Tactics

ust like artists, marketers sometimes suffer from white page syndrome. Hopefully, they know exactly what’s expected from them, whether it’s activating a set number of users or generating qualified leads for their sales team. But how to get there is the question.

It’s easy to name a dozen marketing tactics you can start today, with little or no budget. But how do you come up with marketing tactics that actually work, that are still effective? The reality is, you won’t find them on industry blogs or in marketing books. These resources, or even this blog post for that matter, will help you get started with the right mindset. But by the time you read these case studies and success stories, the tactics just won’t be as effective. The good ideas, the most effective ones, are still hidden out there. This is where research and creativity come into play.

Marketing innovation goes through the same curve as technology diffusion. First, there are innovators who come up with marketing tactics of their own. There are also early adopters who quickly copy them and replicate their tactics while they’re still a secret. A majority of marketers are open to new trends but will only adopt them as they become the norm and are well documented. The laggards will only adopt marketing practices when they’re forced to by an evolving environment.

How to Come Up With Effective Marketing Tactics


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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