How Gmail’s Structured Data ( Can Shape The Next Generation of Email Marketing

Once every couple of days I take out a few hours just to explore new and interesting stuff which I can somehow use for my next side project. I got my last side project idea – Chrome extension for when I stumbled upon Yahoo Query Language. I knew I had to scrape something and what better than

This time I stumbled upon Gmail Integration because I’ve been flirting with the idea of making a completely free add-on to schedule your emails in Gmail inbox, something like Boomerang or Yesware but totally free. This lead me to Gmail Actions which are structured data markups using standard in email. It allows marketers to include different structured data to make it easier for users to interact with emails.

If you use Gmail you must have seen this in your inbox –

How Gmail’s Structured Data ( Can Shape The Next Generation of Email Marketing


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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