Email Marketing: How to Build Your Email List

It may surprise you, but email marketing gives you the best return on investment (ROI) of any of the basic digital marketing techniques*.

The reason? The people who have given you their email address, which means that they have engaged with you in some way (visited your website, gone to your Facebook page), have given you enough of their trust to let you into their inboxes. Given the amount of email so many of us have to plow through on a daily basis, it’s quite an honor!

Once you have access to someone’s email inbox, you can provide them with information and resources you think they’ll be especially interested in along with links to your website, where you can share your expertise, highlight your services, and direct your visitors to take actions like scheduling a call with you. Finally, emails and newsletters are the perfect way to share special offers with your audience…

Email Marketing: How to Build Your Email List


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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