Blog writing – it’s one of the hardest, easiest, most frustrating, most relaxing, creative, unoriginal thing you can do… ish. On the good days, you get an idea and golden words just flow from thought to fingers to keyboard to publish. On the bad days, every word you put down is an exercise in pulling teeth.
At least for us, some of that frustration comes from needing to get the words right. We talk a lot about getting the right tone, being grammatically correct, having few errors… and it’s important, especially when blogging for business. However, that sort of thing can often inhibit the creative process.
Then, you have guest blogging and writing for clients, and that takes… well, work. For the most part, you aren’t free to just write; you have to match the tone and topics the site visitors are used to reading about. You need to research. You need to look at things like: