Are You Making This Professional Practice Advertising Mistake?

It surfaced in January when the impending 2014 Winter Olympics and the “selfie” trend of taking a photo of yourself, inspired a new social media trend. A competition called “Selfie Olympics”, people are competing with each other to see who can post the most outrageous “selfie” online.

Why are selfies such a big trend? Professor Cary Cooper at Lancaster University says, “Selfies are a modern day form of communication but one of the motives for doing this is because people are showing off.”

Another article says that people who post a lot of selfies are “self-absorbed.”

I imagine that most people don’t like being thought of, let alone labelled as “self-absorbed.”  However, there is something many businesses, especially professional practices, are guilty of in their promotions, websites, and advertising that makes them appear just that.

In fact, this is one of the biggest mistakes that the majority of professional practices..such as attorneys, chiropractors, dentists, financial advisors, health care specialists, etc. make…and most don’t even realize it.

What’s worse, much like the “Selfie Olympics”, many professional practices try to out-do their competitors.

Are You Making This Professional Practice Advertising Mistake?


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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