Are You Creating, Curating or Regurgitating Content? [PODCAST]

The challenge can be overwhelming for marketers to consistently create content that is fresh, relevant and provides real value to their audience, customers, and prospective customers.

Because of this pressure, unfortunately many marketers fall to lazy marketing tactics. They quit creating their own content and start curating and sharing other helpful content from leaders in their industry. Curation can be good. However, many lazy marketers start copying, pasting and regurgitating other people’s content. They copy, tweak and pretend it is their when in reality they have often lost the real meaning of it without even knowing. They wind up hurting their brand more than helping.

Though curation can be an impactful and excellent way to establish your brand online as well as serve the needs of your audience, it requires both art and science to see real benefit…

Are You Creating, Curating or Regurgitating Content? [PODCAST]


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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