A Guide To Schema Markup & Structured Data SEO Opportunities By Site Type

Structured data can help you to send the right signals to search engines about your business and content. But where do you start? Columnist Tony Edward has some suggestions.


links-graph-web-pages-22-1920You have probably heard that leveraging schema markup (or other kinds of structured data) can help increase search engines’ understanding of your site’s content, as well as enhance search visibility via rich snippets, featured snippets and Knowledge Graph results. Structured data is a great way to create more search engine-friendly signals, which can indirectly impact search rankings.

Google’s John Mueller recently stated that the search engine giant may add structured data markup as a ranking factor. So it is definitely worth the effort to implement schema markup on your website, as this is becoming more important to Google…

A Guide To Schema Markup & Structured Data SEO Opportunities By Site Type


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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