Surefire Tips for Business Blogging Success

Have you mapped out a blog writing plan for your business articles for the new year?

Not sure if blogging can help improve your marketing?

The good news is that it’s never too late to begin a blog or refresh an existing one. As we enter into a new season it’s more important than ever to establish credibility and build influence online for your company.

In 2014 blogging continued to be successful as a tool for business, and in fact 61 percent of buyers in the United States purchased a product or service based on what they read in a blog post, according an article on Napier Marketing Group, Inc.

HubSpot conducted their own survey in 2013, and found that businesses whichmaintain an active blog with more than 15 posts per month, experienced five times more traffic on the web than those who do not have one.

Your business can greatly increase its visibility online simply through publishing new content each week. The key to getting the best response from your readers and the search engines is to produce fresh and original ideas that meets your market’s needs and answers their burning questions.

Whether your business is just now starting a business blog or re-energizing a stale one the point of reference should always begin from your mission statement. All topics should flow out of this, and be consistent with how your customers and leads perceive your brand. Focus is essential, and is shown very well on this business website by Neil Patel of KISSmetrics:

Surefire Tips for Business Blogging Success


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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