How to Create Email Campaigns That Convert

Using Content and Language to Increase Leads for Your Business

Small to medium sized businesses everywhere are clamoring to get in on it.

In fact, according to an article called How to Write Email Marketing Copy that Converts by Kim George, the founder of Small Business Sense, entrepreneurs are spending 42% of their marketing budget to harness it.

If you have sat at your computer for any length of time trying to figure out your next email campaign, its content, creating eye-catching design, engaging the appropriate audience or coming up with a captivating headline then this blog post is for you.

The truth about email marketing is that it works.

It is measurable and doesn’t just increase your company’s sales, but increases engagement with your potential customers and your current customers.

Today’s customers require a buying structure that includes online engagement; it creates trust and a sense of connection with your brand.

According to Nielson, 50% of consumers worldwide trust email messages from companies they have signed up to receive.

Yet there are also some myths about email marketing that deserve to be debunked.

How to Create Email Campaigns That Convert


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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